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How long does credit repair take?

How long does credit repair take?

When dealing with a bad credit report, a borrower will face increased costs, whether he or she wants a car loan, mortgage or credit card. To fix the problem, the consumer will need to take some time and contact the creditors. Other times, it is wise to hire a third-party firm that can take care of the issue quickly and without making any errors. With this in mind, one should know how long it takes to repair their credit. Here is a quick guide on how long it should take for the average consumer.

Professional vs. alone

Now, before doing anything, a consumer should decide if he or she wants to do this task alone or with the help of a qualified professional. Fortunately, when using Lexington Law, one can get their credit report cleaned up quickly. In fact, when reading Lexington Law reviews, one will notice that people see their score recover in months. Without a doubt, a reader should start reading a Lexington Law credit repair review.

Number of problems

When dealing with a complicated issue such as credit repair, one will have a lot of work on their hands. This is especially true for a consumer who has a lot of debt problems. For this reason, it is hard to guess when one will fix the issue and enjoy a high credit score. For example, when one has multiple charge offs, they will take a long time to pay off their debt. Furthermore, when a consumer has some cash in the bank, he or she will have no problem paying down the debts quickly.

Willingness of the original credit

Sadly, some credit card companies and banks are not in the business of negotiating with clients. One way to combat this is to hire a professional who can negotiate the unpaid bills. If this is not possible, one will have to write a nice letter or make a few phone calls. At the same time, when corresponding with the creditor, a consumer should make sure to take notes and send everything via certified mail. If a consumer sends an email, he or she should save the sent one. A consumer should approach the situation confidently. Remember, while working with the creditor, one should make sure to move quickly. If this does not work, one can get to the bottom of the issue without any hesitation by hiring a qualified professional.

Manage expectations

When repairing a credit report, people will have different wants and needs. Some will want to clean up their report quickly so they can buy a house while others will not have a rush. Either way, it is important for a person to manage his or her expectations and realize that every situation is unique and hard to predict. For this reason, when one wants to clean up their report and enjoy a higher credit score, they should start as early as possible.

Define goals

Finally, while it is great to repair credit, a consumer should understand it may take a couple of years to get a score above 750. Luckily, most people do not need that high of a score to get a mortgage or other loan. Simply put, when aiming for the low 700 range, one will meet their goal quickly and without worry.

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