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Why is Credit Repair Important?

Good credit is something many people take for granted until they actually need it and discover it’s not as good as they thought it to be. Having poor credit may be unfortunate but it’s not the end of the world, especially with credit repair help available. Learn why credit repair is so important, how you can get credit repair and how easy it can be with the right company. Why is Credit Repair Important? Whereas good credit was once needed mostly for loans and credit cards, today it’s necessary to rent an apartment, obtain cell phones, and get satellite television, among many other things in life. Poor credit scores can even affect your auto insurance premiums. Your credit scores can be damaged in several ways. • Incorrect information on your credit report (name, address, social security number) • Missed or late payments • Paid off bills still listed as unpaid • Judgments or liens on property • Judgments or liens satisfied but not filed with correct court agency • Bankruptcy • Too many hard inquiries into your credit As you can see above, many things can cause your credit scores to suffer. The unfortunate but true fact is that while your credit scores can be damaged easily and quickly, it often takes much longer to repair damaged credit. Credit repair from a company such as Lexington Law can help get you back on the right track quickly, easily and for only a small fee. If you’re in doubt as to what they can do for you, check out the many Lexington Law reviews from their many satisfied customers. What’s...

How does credit repair work?

At least 20 million Americans live with low credit scores. These credit scores can be debilitating, preventing you from getting the home or vehicle you need. If you are among the ones whose lifestyle is getting severely cramped by low credit scores, you need someone to fix it for you. Here’s how the credit repair process works. First, you need to understand your rights. Several laws govern the way that your information is reported to credit bureaus. You have a right to see incorrect items fixed on your credit report. A credit repair company like Lexington Law will make sure that those rights are observed. Your credit repair company will start by getting your credit report from the three major credit bureaus—TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax. The company’s attorneys and paralegals will analyze each report, highlighting items that could be damaging. Many errors exist within credit reports that can seriously harm your credit score. The credit repair company will prepare the proper legal challenges that apply to the case and will challenge the items that are wrong and try to get them fixed for you. With Lexington Law, you also have the option of personalized “focus tracks.” If your life has been affected by medical debt, student loans, identity theft, divorce, or military service, you could benefit from these tracks, wherein you select the items you want to challenge, and Lexington Law will investigate and dispute. Once the consumer has been advised of the findings, the credit repair company will submit the challenges to the creditor. The credit repair companies also allow the consumer to monitor their results either through...

What can credit repair companies do for you?

Are you bewildered by the many options for credit repair that exist on the Internet? What can a credit repair company actually do for you? First, a credit repair company can help you if you have legitimate errors on your credit report. If you’ve got actual errors, as opposed to instances where you didn’t pay your bills on time, a credit repair company will be useful. These could be mistakes in reporting or little errors in your personal information. A lot of things can affect your credit score, so if you believe there really are errors on your report, taking advantage of a credit repair company would be your best bet. Another instance where credit repair companies would be able to help is when you have errors that can’t be verified. Did you know that every detail in your credit report needs to be verifiable? If there’s a negative item from a lender who was bought out or went out of business, a credit bureau wouldn’t be able to verify the information on your report with them. When this happens, the credit bureau is required to omit it from your credit score. A credit repair company can point these instances out to you and raise your score. Credit repair companies know the tricks of the trade and can negotiate with lenders on your behalf. Unfortunately, not all lenders are willing to work with credit repair agencies and will not negotiate. However, when those lenders who are willing to communicate, credit repair companies will do their best to fix your credit. Of course, not everybody out there on the Internet...
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