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How to Protect Your Email Address From Identity Theft

How to Protect Your Email Address From Identity Theft

Much of the world’s business today is conducted online, and it’s likely that most of your daily life involves interacting on the internet in several ways. We’ve all been warned about the dangers of online hackers and identity theft. We’re told that our credit cards and financial information is at risk of cyber attack, but what about your email address? When you notice unusual behavior in your email account, is there really that much to worry about? Why would a hacker want access to your email address? You use your email address for communication and correspondence at the very least, and likely as a method of verification and identification for conducting business online. Consider the following communications and items that may be found in your email address, and what personal information could be contained therein: Rental application (likely with your social security number, addresses, full name, etc.) New password and password reminder requests Personal, family photos and messages (children are prime targets for identity theft) Work documents E-invites for social events Online purchase confirmations (usually with partial card info) Flight and travel information with location details and card info Starting to feel a little anxious? You should. Hackers often breach large institutions to steal mass amounts of email addresses to scour them for information to sell. Once they have it, it’s not hard to piece together vital data, act on your behalf to change info in order to get credit cards send to them (in your name), hold your info ransom, or take over all of your other accounts. When you think about it, how often do you give your...
6 Budgeting Tips That Will Improve Your Credit

6 Budgeting Tips That Will Improve Your Credit

Most people don’t spend a lot of time budgeting. Online bank and financial services have made “checking in” on your accounts fast and easy, and all but eliminated the need to keep a record of what goes in and out. But with everything automated these days it’s easy to lose track of what bill gets withdrawn on what date, if the amount of your automatic deposited paycheck was accurate, or if your bank account has over-drafted for some reason. When it comes down to it, successful budgeting is essential to building and maintaining good credit. It doesn’t have to take a long time, but by doing these 6 budgeting tips you can help give your credit a boost and stay on top of your finances. 1. Track your expenses When it goes on the card it’s hard to realize how much you’re actually spending on fast food, gas, entertainment, and other daily expenses. When you use cash it’s much easier, but that’s not always realistic. So, at least a few times a year, sit down at your computer and go through a month’s worth of expenses, adding up how much you spend specifically on each category. Fast food and eating out, gas, clothing or other “fun” shopping, and then of course bills. Get an idea of what you spend each month – it might surprise you. 2. Don’t rely on credit If you’re in the habit of transferring money over to cover overdraft fees or to simply have enough for a bill that’s going to come out, you’ve got a problem. Credit card companies love you for it, but...
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