Having poor credit is an unfortunate situation to be in, especially when there are discrepancies or disputed information on your report. While it is possible to try and resolve this issue and repair your credit alone, the process can be grueling and complicated. Thankfully, dependable and trustworthy companies are available to help.
The top-three reputable credit repair agencies are compared side-by-side here, including a review of each company’s price, features and services. This allows us to bring you the most reliable information possible so you can choose the right company for you.
#3 – MyCreditGroup
Pros: With a score difference of just .05 from the leading company, Lexington Law, MyCreditGroup offers several similar factors, including:
- Month-to-month contract
- Identity theft protection
- Licensed
- Bonded
- Registered with the Attorney General
They also provide users with all services including credit score analysis, couple’s discount, dedicated account manager, privacy protection, and payoff resolution – or help negotiating and paying off your debt – a service that neither of the top two companies offer.
Cons: Unlike the two leading companies, MyCreditGroup doesn’t offer a refund policy, educational materials or online chat capabilities. MyCreditGroup is the most expensive group in the top three, charging $99 for First-Work Fee and $69 for Monthy-Fees.
#2 – Sky Blue Credit Repair
Pros: As the runner-up Credit Score Company, Sky Blue Credit Repair offers the same functional features as Lexington Law, including month-to-month contracts, identity theft protection, licenses, insurance, registry with the attorney general and they offer a refund policy. They also provide users with the same services as Lexington Law like:
- Email and phone support
- FAQs
- Online and Phone Registration
- Educational materials
Lastly, Sky Blue offers the lowest prices of the top three companies by charging users $59 for the First-Work fee and $59 Monthly Fee.
Cons- Sky Blue does not offer assistance in negotiating and paying off your debt, nor do they provide users with the ability to manage their account online. They also do not offer online chat services.
#1 – Lexington Law
Pros: As the leading credit repair company in the industry, Lexington Law has received the highest rating possible by Credit Repair Services Review – a 10.00. Lexington Law contains all resourceful features, including:
- Month-to-month contract
- Identity theft protection
- Licensed
- Bonded
- Registered with the Attorney General
- Refund policy
Lexington Law also offers several helpful services like credit score analysis, couple’s discount, dedicated account manager and privacy protection. Lastly, Lexington Law stands by their clients throughout the entire process to offers assistance, consultation and more, like:
- Email support
- Phone support
- FAQs
- Online Registration
- Telephone registration
- Online account management
- Educational materials
- Online chat
Cons: The only drawback to Lexington Law is that their prices are fairly high. They charge a First-work Fee of nearly $100 and a Monthly fee of $59.95, but some would argue that the standard of service is worth the extra dollars. For our in-depth review of Lexington Law, visit Lexington Law Reviews today.
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