Frequently Asked Questions

Lexington Law Credit Repair

Where do you find the reviews on your website?

All reviews are compiled from a wide range of review websites. We don’t pick and choose reviews based on rating or stars—we just show you the information and let you decide.

How can I tell if a review is from an actual customer?

It’s impossible to tell if any one review originated from a current or past client of Lexington Law. Some review websites have their own ways of verifying the identity of a reviewer, but each review must be taken with a grain of salt. Of course, there’s no reason to believe that the vast majority of these reviews are fake. It’s wise to use reviews as one factor among several to inform your buying decisions.

Does Lexington Law use actual lawyers and paralegals?

Yes. They are an actual law firm, with lawyers and paralegals on staff.

Where can I find more information about Lexington Law?
You can visit their website, or call (855) 620-5875 for a free credit consultation.
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